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Search all 8972 audio engineer animatic artist profiles
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Hello! My name is Omnidapt and welcome to my Casting Call Club profile. Here you will find the auditions and the roles I have been cast off recently and previous in the past. Thank you for visiting my profile and have a nice day.
Speaks: english
Looking for a few concept artists for Band Pride! 🎨
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hello, I am Dillon Wiggins!I am a director with 10+ years of experience. I always have the dream of becoming successfully known around the world by producing games, animation, music, and streams for people to enjoy. I also started voice acting around 2015. I have been playing the clarinet for 8 years. I'm not just creating content by "spreading the relish", I'm here to change people's lives!Current projects:Band Pride - TRAILER IS OUT! I'm currently voicing for:Band Pride - Devereux, Jack, extrasThe Book Of A Broken Promise - Zander (temporarily cancelled; series to be rewritten)NDA projectMore projects coming soon! 👀
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: 2d/3d artwork 2d art 3d animation 3d artist 3d modeling 3d world modeling amateur voice acting animatic artist art direction art sketching audio editing (audacity) audio engineering voice acting audio engineer (music) background art design background music baritone (instrument) bass clarinet blender blender modeling carribean cartoon art character animation character art character artist character concepts clarinet classical and modern singing classical music composing composing music concept art deep female voice deep voice dialogue script writing digital artist digital artwork directing assistance drawing (2d traditional/digital) electronic music composition emotional voice acting flute game design game developing game development game development (clickteam fusion) game making game music gaming and voice acting instruments lighting design lyric writing marching band medium low medium/low females modeling 3d music composer music composition music composition and performance music composition/production musician musician (alto sax) musician (french horn) music producer music production / engineering novice audio editing orchestration percussion instruments percussionist pirate programmer programming programming (beginner) prop design saxophone singing singing/songwriting song production song writer sound design story writing testing texture art trumpet tuba tweening animation unreal engine video game development videogame writing voice acting world building writing song lyrics writing songs
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Director
Hello, I’m George Garza, I’m the guy who crossover Thomas & Friends and Bambi in to a crossover series, also I made random videos with also My Little Pony 
discord is stuurtle if needed :)
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, and Producer
he/him16creator of 'Give Up The Ghost' which has just begun production! previously known as Lost Loyalty :)
also run studdedturtle which is my zine + video archive! just interviewed your arms are my cocoon which will be going up soon !
Speaks: english
Voice Description: child female teen male teen
Creating, Voicing, and Editing things!
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Live Actor
Hello, my name is Crafty Rat, I am a voice actor, director, and video editor. I have around 9 years of musical theater experience and took acting classes late 2019. I've always been interested in creating and voicing in projects, and Casting Call Club has given me the perfect opportunity to do that!
Currently working on directing three projects: Grave Mistakes, VoidVille, and The Elseworth Examination!
Speaks: english
[she/him/zeir] artist/animatior/editor/VA
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
Hello! I’m a artist, animator, and voice actor who has a passion for creative work. I have a YouTube speed paint series where I chat about my interests while drawing related artworks, as well as my in the works audio drama, maybe keep an eye out for that! 👀
Speaks: english
"You never know what you want until you do"
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, and Director
Hello my name is Zeiah but professionally or shortly, call me Zay! I'm a new-amateur college kid who's majoring towards English but really aiming towards doing many things. For sure writing is one of my strong suits but I am also quite fond in trying out for voice acting, singing, editing, just whatever I am into! In terms of professional experience though I have performed in choir throughout growing up, if that counts and I have taken improv classes. In terms of indie stuff I have been in a couple of fan projects, most of them have worked out, at the moment I am running two indie projects of my own being Tempo Lash Pretty Cure and Recight!

I encourage you to check out Recight by the way, as it's a new multimedia project that me and my friends are open in looking for other musicians to be apart of with us, hopefully. Tempo Lash will be going into Wave 2 casting soon, so stay tu...
Skills and Interests: 2d/3d artwork 2d art amateur artist amateur comic artist amateur lyric composition amateur lyricist amateur poetry amateur video editing Angel Dust animatic animatic artist arranging art direction art sketching art style matching audio mixing audio mixing/editing audio recording/mixing/editing background art design bass bass singer bass singing cartoon animation cartoon art character art character artist character concepts character design character designer choir arrangement concept art concept design creating writing deep vocal range depression gay different pitches of voice digital art digital artist digital artwork editing writing emotional voice acting fantasy gacha character design harmony arranging Hazbin Hazbin hotel huge character voice range illustration improvisation instrumental arrangements long range voice lyric writing Magical Girl middle range singing mixing and mastering mixing/mastering multi instrumentalist musical theater musical theatre music arranging music mixing poet poetry poetry recitation Precure Pretty Cure proof reading range manipulation screenplays screenplay writing script editor script writing short stories short story writing sorta instrumentally talented studio instrumental tenor tenor vocals translating lyrics translyrics translyrics writing video editing video editing (advanced) video editing after effects video editing (basic) video editing premier video editing (premiere pro) vocal mixing vocal range vocals/singing witing lyrics writing lyrics writing poetry young child
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hello, and welcome to my Casting Call Club account: Dragons With Caterpillars! My name is AJ, nice to meet you! I am a 11 year old boy that loves animating, playing Gorilla Tag and doing YouTube videos, and is balancing his life between what I just said and school. (uhg.)  I hope someday my YouTube channel will become a real job for me, and if you want to help, yes, YOU! you can do me a favor and hit the juicy big red button with the word "Subscribe" on it on my YouTube channel. You can also find me on Unvale, Roblox, and Scratch.
Speaks: english
Search all 8972 audio engineer animatic artist profiles