A Whisker of Hope

Project Overview
A Whisker of Hope is a slendytubbies fangame I've been working on since 2023. This is a passion project I made because I love slendytubbies and I've met so many amazing people through the fandom. Although this game is a slendytubbies fangame there will be no gore. The lines shown are example lines to prevent any spoilers, but if you are chosen for the role I'll send you the script. I'll reply more quicker if u message one of my discord accounts sockthedevv or danganronpafurryfan (i use the danganronpafurryfan account more often)
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- Flat
- quiet
- Male
What do you want?
He's not my problem.
Don't tell me what to do!

These lines are examples so I don't spoil my game.
- Gravelly
- adult
- deep
- male adult
What's going on?!
This isn't right.
What have you done?

Again, this is example lines so I don't spoil the game
- english
- male adult
- deep
- Flat
- Monotone
What are you doing here?
Everyone misses you.
Come back home.
- english
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions