Rachael Nordby

Rachael Nordby

Game Designer/ Voice Actor/ Lover of all things cute

Joined Oct 2015 5 Following2 Followers
About Rachael Nordby

Hello all! My name is Rachael! I am new to the voice acting craft however I have experience with singing and acting so I'm not completely new to all of the concepts of the craft! I'm also a second year Game Dev student so I have experience working various audio processing software as well as coding and art! I'm looking for experience is all of the different fields of voice over and I am excited to see what I can learn! I'm also excited to work hard to deliver the best possible performance every chance I get. Feel free to message me and let me know what I can do for you!

Closing Credits - 2023

Voice Acting 101

Instructed by John Wang

Please contact me for rates.

What Rachael Nordby is looking for

I'm open to all types of roles with specific skills in cute characters and a love for ADR!