

Joined Oct 2016 1 Following0 Followers
About purplesnowdrop

Does anyone ever actually read these? I mean seriously, I could write total crap here and I doubt anyone would care to notice or even pay attention to this. 

:Ramble mode activated:

I am a sassy lilttle Canadian, don't mess with me or my pet Polar Bear, we haven't eaten anything in a while, and something other than endless snow looks real tasty right about now.

But in all actuality, I am a poor University student who is procrastinating at the moment, nobody ever wants to do homework, by having fun online.

I will say this once: I am a proud Canadian, not American -.-"

You will never see my face because, you don't need to see it, this is after all Voice Acting, not "Hey, Look at me Mom, I'm on TV!!!" 

I apologize, I am hyped up on a crack-ton of energy drinks and coffee right now, like I don't know how the hell I am not dead yet, so don't pay attention to this at all