

Joined Jan 2017 0 Following0 Followers
About dragonaichu

Hi, I'm Allison! I'm quite new to the world of voice acting, but I find it super fun and definitely want to try my hand at it. I currently use my computer's mic to record since I've not yet invested in a higher-quality one, but if all goes well I hope to be upping the quality of my recordings soon.


Gender Range: I can play a wide range of female characters, but as far as males go I can really only play the kids/shotas. My voice is a bit too high-pitched for the more gruff men.

Languages: Fluent in English, conversational in French and Japanese. Do keep in mind that my voice tends to be lower when I'm speking French and higher when I'm speaking Japanese. My accents in these two languages are also not perfect, but I'm continually bettering them.

Accents: I'm from Texas, so my natural voice has somewhat of a southern accent (it's not that thick of an accent, to be honest. I've never been called out on my accent by others before). Aside from that, I've taken formal training in Cockney and British RP dialects, and I've learned Australian and Minnesotan through media, so they mey be more 'stereotypical' than the others. I also do a mean Dora the Explorer ;P