Sage Wilde

Sage Wilde

Joined Oct 2017 28 Following0 Followers
About Sage Wilde

Hello! I'm Sage Wilde, and I'm an aspiring voice actor.

My range for speaking roles is typically low-pitched female, but I can do high-pitched girly voices too. I can do both hoarse or nasally, sickly sweet or menacing, and most things in between. I'm not afraid to turn up the volume and make headphones explode with the force of a good anime-style battlecry.


  • @poppletron

    Sage is awesome and is well ranged. She isn't afraid to give it her all. She can portray intense as well as calm. A great voice overall.

  • @cimcie

    LOVE THEM, amazing Undyne voice and it's wonderful to see her branch out into her own passion projects.

  • @deleted39092

    Sage is a wonderful voice actor, and she's a great friend too! She has a wonderful Undyne voice, and her other voices are just as good too :3 cherish her

  • @xandialexander

    Sage is a seriously good voice actor with a range of voices as well. You couldnt go wrong with having her on your projects c: