

Joined Aug 2017 0 Following0 Followers
About Mefunei

Hey everyone, Ryan here. I am an aspiring voice actor who spends a majority of his time singing the finest of Disney, playing loads of video games, and acting out the silliest of roles among friends. My demur can be quite reserved at times, but get me riled up and you'll be in for a show. Ranging from Mid-Mid to High it really depends on the lines and the atmosphere of the dialogue, but typically I accelerate when voicing  teenagers; at this time I struggle to hit the lower pitched voices, but over time I intend to develop my vocal range. In most cases my voice will come off as parody-ish, but with effort I can provide a serious and reassuring line for any genre. At this time my intention is to mix and mingle with every opportunity that presents itself while I develop my range, label, and over network with all of the excellent talent I've experienced thus far here at Casting Call Club.

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