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The name is both a warning and a clickbait
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
The company name is ExplicitCensor but is mainly ran by Momotaro. Momo has been doing Voice Over since 2019 professionally. Looking to work in Cinematography, Animation, and Videogames.
Here is a little list about my experience and skills:_-Skills and Proficiencies-_• Skills in Refurbishing Broken Equipment• Proficient in Google Docs, Windows Suite, and ThinkFree Suite• 15+ Years of Hand Sewing, Knitting, Crochet• Skills in Wood Carving and Set Design• Designed Costumes for Theater Mock Fight Scenes• 10+ Years of Sound Technician (Experienced with In-Booth and On Set)• Skills in Foley, ADR, and Audio Cleaning• VFX, SFX, Modeler, Compositor, and Animator• Project Management• Experience in Cosplay and Modeling• Simple Stunt Work• Being a badass_-Languages-_• Fluent English• Basic JapaneseInstagram:
Speaks: english
Hi, I'm a future Director and current Script Writer, Plot designer & YouTuber
I am a Writer, Director, and Producer
Welcome everyone to my first proper big project. I am a small GachaTuber that goes by the name "TotallyNot Khia" I have 941 subscribers at the minute. My goal is to be a successful youtuber with over 100k Subsrcibers, hope you like this series, me and my sister worked hard to make it happen 
I will only be available on Discord, this is my Discord name: KhiaJ#7123Edit: Hey, alright. So I'm a Script Writer, that's what I've specified myself as for a while, my name is Khia, right now I'm 16 years old and I have 1070 subscribers. Perhaps more. I'm working on this project, my own project called "Game On" and if you haven't already, I suggest to read up about it, I've got a team together atm but I need more artists, animators and music producers, singers and Voice Actors. This project I made will also be uploaded in another YouTube channel, I won't spoil anything but I'll link it in the ...
Speaks: any english
I am a Writer and Director
Basically I'm a person you would consider a conceptualizer. I don't really have good art skills myself but I am able to imagine and describe many ideas. I'm the director of Radiant Force. I've commissioned quite a bit of art and currently am in charge of the Radiant Force Audio Drama/visual novel project. My dream is to perhaps have Radiant Force become something much bigger. Other than that I like to help people out whenever I can, whether they are feeling down or need some guidance. Through this project I have made a number of new friends and I hope to continue building connections.
 I am a Young to middle-aged American English male bass voice with no detectable regional accent. I'm comfortable doing character voices and will sing. I will also write scripts and copy as needed. I can record and deliver music files of guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, foley effect sound, soundscape
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor

Accents: texan
Voice Description: male senior male young adult
Skills and Interests: background music guitar
I dunno wat this is....I dunno wat a lot of things are, I'm more or less wingin' it thru life.....#perpetuallytired
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Artist, Writer, and Director
I wanted to rekindle my dream of  being a VA so now I'm here. I also sing, draw and write. From songs, to stories, to poetry.
One day I even hope to make my own anime! 😆... or animated show/series in general really 🤭I also love helping people come up with ideas and stuff for their projects so feel free to PM me anytime.
Speaks: english
Hey, Janelle here! I'm a director, artist, musician, and more! I'm the creator of the upcoming anime Koko no Chikara no Yogen. Messages are open for whatever questions you may have!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, Producer, and Live Actor
Good evening, day, or whatever time it is for you! My name's Janelle! I'm a very talented girl, who has many hobbies. I usually don't necessarily make my music compositions, but I do enjoy making arrangements for songs! On the topic of music, I also play many instruments. Those are the piano, guitar, flute, saxophone, and trombone. Now moving on from music, I enjoy writing things, mainly scripts. I used to however write many traditional formatted stories, and I look forward to doing that again in the near future. But for now, we stay on the scripts. One of my favorite things about me is that I'm an artist. I don't do storyboarding (although I wish I could), or draw backgrounds, but instead, I draw character designs and fun random sketches. Character designing is one of my favorite things to do! And lastly, I'm currently working on an anime series, Koko no Chikara no Yogen. (2nd castin...
Helena Staple
I am a young producer, new to the world of production.
I am a Artist, Video Editor, Audio Engineer, Writer, Director, and Producer
My name is Helena Staple, also known as Pheobe Staple.
My skills:What do I do on CCC: I am a young producer, new to the world of production.What experience do I have: Before doing things online, I have only done productions in school and such.What else can I do: Art, animating, video and audio editing, coding, coding teaching, managing, producing, robotics.
About Me:My name: Helena StapleMy handle: Mini OrionrobotsPlease credit me as: Helena StaplePronouns: They/Them
Current project: The Dragon Tamers
Speaks: english
Love with all that you have until you return back to the ashes.
I am a Artist, Writer, and Director

My Carrd:
Fan & Audition Server:
I am thrilled to embark on the journey of creating my own studio! While I may be relatively new to this industry, I have a burning passion and unwavering commitment to making this vision a reality. I understand that this will require hard work, and dedication. 

I want to build a studio that is focused on producing top-quality content that inspires, educates, and entertains.
Speaks: english
A 2D Animator with dreams and creativity
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, and Director
Hi there! My name is Christian Nash, and I am a 2D animator. I have always been passionate about bringing characters to life through animation, and I have spent countless hours honing my skills and perfecting my craft.
As a 2D animator, I have the unique ability to take a simple sketch and turn it into a fully realized character with its own personality and charm. Whether creating a short animation for a client or working on a personal project, I pour my heart and soul into every frame, ensuring that each movement is fluid and natural.One of the things I love most about being a 2D animator is the endless creative possibilities. With each new project, I am challenged to push the boundaries of what is possible and to come up with new and innovative ways to tell a story through animation.At the end of the day, nothing is quite as rewarding as seeing my characters come to life on the s...
Speaks: english
Skills and Interests: 25D Animation 2d/3d artwork 2d animation 2d animator 2d art 3d animation 3D animator 3d artist 3d modeling adaption writing adobe adobe after effects adobe animate adobe audition adobe creative suite adobe premiere animatic animatic artist animation animation 3d anime art sketching art style matching audacity audacity audio editing audio editing (adobe audition) audio editing (audacity) audio editing (basic) audio engineering voice acting audio engineer (music) audio layering audio mastering audio mixing audio mixing/editing audio processing audio production audio recording/mixing/editing background art design background music blender blender3d Book editor book illustrator british british (london) cartoon animation cartoon art cartooning cartoon voices character acting character animation character impressions character writer clean-up Animations coloring color tones comedy writing comic aritst composing music content editing creating writing creative direction creative writing dialogue script writing dialogue writing different voices digital art digital artist digital artwork digital drawing digital editing directing directing assistance direction drawing (2d traditional/digital) drawing anime drawing cartoons drawing/sketching editing audio EFX film acting film editing film music flash animation fl studio frame by frame animation graphic design graphic designer graphic designing huge character voice range line art lyric writing motion graphics music composer music composition music director music editing music production original voices photo editor planning planning and organization plot writer pop/rb singing pop vocals possibly writing scripts producer producing music production management professional project management recording audio rough animation rough art sketches scorewriting screenplay writing screen/script writing script script writer short film director singing singing/songwriting sketch art sketch artist sketching sketching/drawing song production song writer sound sound design sound design/production sound effects sound production storyboard artist story boarding storyboard pro storyline writer story organization team management vfx video animation video creator/editor video editing video editing (advanced) video editing after effects visual art visual effects visuals vocal acting voice acting voice directing voice effects voice over voice over acting voice over/acting voice overs voice over talent webcomic author writing books writing/directing writing scripts writing song lyrics writing songs
Might be an animator. 
I am a Artist, Animator, Video Editor, Writer, Director, and Producer
Hi! I'm Trident. *checks notes* I'm a 3d animator and I co-own Hotdog Entertainment with my 2 friends FloppaFilmz and Yemations, where we goof off and make cool stuff B) Currently, I'm working on Oddballs, a passion project of mine and my best friend Dexter's for the past 2 years, and I'm here to make that dream a reality. 
Speaks: english
I am a YouTuber but also a actor and singer, voice actor, I also like to make song about films and games, me and @PurpleBubble_Gacha are friends got check there projects
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, Director, and Live Actor
All of my projects will end up on YouTube so when they are done check them out, my YouTube channel is iloYTshortsI hope you all love my song and please subscribe to my channel 
Heya! I'm Wolfe!
I am a Voice Actor, Artist, Animator, Writer, Director, and Producer
Please don’t dm me about working on your project! I’ve got a lot on my plate as it is, and am not really looking for anything more! Thank you ^^I'm an aspiring digital artist, animator, producer and director from the West Coast! I have been drawing for 7 years and have at least dabbled in almost every medium!Currently, I am working on a project called Opossum!, which will be my very first attempt at an animated series! Thank you for visiting my page!
My PFP is by Sevinite on Twitter and Instagram
My name is GO GO Ninja VA.
I am a Voice Actor, Animator, Video Editor, Music Composer, Audio Engineer, Director, and Producer
I'm doing a voice of cartoons.
We work hard and hope your willing to join!
I am a Director and Producer
The Oracles is an indie fantasy animation. We are a dedicated team that has been working for about over a year (Since August 2022) and we have decided to step it up and expand our team. We would love it if you could join us in this journey to making something entertaining and diverse for those who grew up in the our generation. 
Our animation style is a mashup of chibi and cartoon, whch weve worked to perfect for months and hope to continue doing so. 
I am a Director and Producer
My friends and I would really like to become a studio which posts videos on youtube, our goals are to have episodes for different shows to come out daily/weekly. We want to share our love of certain topics and creative idea's.If you have an idea and/or skills for one of these please feel free to message us, we are always looking for creative people
Speaks: english
Accents: any
I use this as my casual account but am willing to commit to a project if needed!
I am a Voice Actor, Video Editor, Music Composer, Writer, Director, and Producer
I'm an extremely enthusiastic Director/Editor/Camera Man! Recently I've been working on a few documentary and interviewing projects so, I'm just itching to start something with more of a creative flow! I've won awards for my Writings Skills and have had a few of my works published. I can help with anything from writing to storyboarding to set design to filming, I'm even willing to do a bit of acting myself! My only request is to give me a little bit of creative freedom! That's all!
Speaks: english
Voice Description: female young adult
Search all 6130 director background music profiles