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Voice actor, artist, singer and voluntary animator. Known for The LaFresian Chronicles, The Obsidian Archives, Cold Open Stories, Chortles in Tales of Annualia, the Grimm vocals and Ash Khan in Qrow: Wanderer of Remnant , Fuzhlo in No Return, and Mammon in Belphegor's Traveling Circus.
I am a Voice Actor, Singer, and Artist
IntroductionMy name is Dontae, and I am a voice actor and artist. I also do a bit of singing as well. 
About MeI am Canadian, and voice acting and animation have been a huge interest for me. It's been in my interest since I was 19. I have never really been to any courses that involve acting at the moment, but I have a lot of skill for it. So in a way, I'm still beginning. I have been into animation since I was a kid. I still animate to this day, but less often, because animating takes a long time. May end up a whole lot of my time if multitasking on projects. I'm also trying to write/create music as well, but I haven't sang all that often, and never really sang in the past. I've had a few songs in the past, but they were sung badly, off key and off timing. If I try now, it would turn out better than it did in the last 5 years.
I usually like to show off a variety when doing voic...
Speaks: english
Search all 2330 artist Southern Belle profiles