Fem Sephiroth - Sephiroth Revoiced (a mod for the FF7RE video game)

2023Completed https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy7remake/mods/1362

What if Sephiroth was a woman? In the video game "FF7 Remake", there are many theories around Sephiroth. If Sephiroth was a women, that wouldn’t be the biggest change the remake offers us! And that would add another piece of mystery... 
Or maybe it would be just so cool !
This mod does that... With "Fem Sephiroth - Sephiroth Revoiced", Sephiroth has a feminine voice now. ALL Sephiroth voicelines fully voiced by voice-actresses (for 3 localizations).

English Fem SephirothNatasha Arden-Klug invadernoodles

German Fem Sephiroth: Jennifer H.

==> Video Demo - FR localization
French Fem Sephiroth : Vénaïs

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